About Our Company

A Brief About Us

WebsManagers Freelance Services Provider (WMFSP) is a dynamic firm of seasoned professionals that focuses on human capacity and enterprise development – helping individuals to maximize profits and businesses to achieve high sustainable performance. We deliver creative innovations and insights to our clients and help them improve their businesses and brands. We are reputable for the development and delivery of innovative business solution for our numerous clients – we are committed to your SUCCESS.


We are a team of talented, creative and client oriented professionals dedicated to the task of helping clients realize how they can use the power of valuable and engaging words, creative graphics, professional websites, SEO and other simple factors that matter to convince their audience and promote their businesses. We understand the relationship between an organization’s information flow, strategy, structure and the various management systems and so we are able to provide solutions that are both practicable and profitable.


At WMFSP, we approach projects with enthusiasm, a love of challenge and a proven capacity to deliver results. We place a great value on ethical business practices, social consciousness, and a respect for others in all areas of life. The conduct of our business reflects these values. We are expert in helping people in their quest to write original quality contents, design attractive professional graphics, design websites/blogs and create landing/sales’ pages to promote their various online businesses and make real money online.


We have wealth of knowledge on Content Writing, Graphics Design, Web-Design and Search Engine Optimization. We have been in this terrain for over 8 years. This proof our expertise in helping people in their business engagements and marketing strategies to improve their various businesses and increase their sales. Websmanagers, a professional Freelance Services provider company aside from offering Content Writing, Graphics Designing, Web Designing and SEO Services, we offers services such as Email Marketing and Digital Marketing.


          About Our CEO WebsManagers CEO

Mutairu Ajibade is a seasoned Freelance Writer, Graphics Designer, Web-Developer & Designer, SEO Strategist, Internet Marketing Strategist and Social Media Specialist. He is the CEO at Websmanagers.com. He has helped many business owners, bloggers and entrepreneurs grow their businesses and considerably increase their income.


He bagged his First degree in Economics in 2007, and started his freelance services career in August 2008. He has worked with many clients as freelance services provider on many freelance websites such as Fiverr, Fiverrup, Fiverrpro, Freelancer, Upwork, People Per Hour, Gigbucks, GigBux, TenBux, Twentyville, Fiftytown and a host of others. He has been successfully building world-class solution to his clients marketing engagements for several years.


Till date, He has gained much experience, having designed many graphics, created and designed numerous websites/blogs, written over 1500 articles, reports, e-books, essays, cover letters, and sales copies for clients all over the world. He has also worked with, and learned from, top-notch graphics’ designers, erudite writers, veteran web developers, professional bloggers, and editors.


This made him an expert in helping people in their quest to create website, design graphics, write engaging quality contents. As a social media specialist on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, etc. He has wealth of knowledge on Traffic Management, so he has helped many people to generate targeted traffic to their fan-pages, landing-pages, sales-pages, blogs and websites, in order to make real money online.

Our Mission

We’re here with the aim of helping you realize how you can use the power of valuable and engaging words, creative graphics, professional websites/blogs, social media and other simple factors that matter to convince your audience to buy what you offer.


WMFSP is driven by a passion for success and seeks to, in strategic partnership with our customers, deliver professional training and business solutions for optimal business growth. Giving valuable contents & professional advice on any business to make positive change is our utmost concern.


Our own idea of rendering professional services is to grow with client and be the best friend to call in the time of need. We take interest in the business survival of our clients and have been able to develop personalized services to suit the need of our selected clients.


Our experienced, excellent and highly motivated team, along with assurance of exceptional customer service for both our clients and their customers contribute to the overall successful program execution, which we take pride in providing each and every client with whom we work.

Our Vision

•To become Africa best business solution hub – offering business solution in the area of CONTENT MARKETING, GRAPHICS DESIGNING, WEB SOLUTION, DIGITAL MARKETING, BUSINESS STRATEGY and CAPACITY BUILDING.


• WMFSP is a Freelance Services Provider. Driven with Dedication. Fueled by Passion and Pride to provide Quality Solution backed with Exceptional Customer Service, Reliability and Foresight.


• We have the experience of a veteran and the passion of a newbie. As a full-service, freelance services provider and integrated business consultant, we’ve been successfully building world-class solution for many clients for several years.


• Although we are experienced professionals, we understand that learning and growing never ends because, “In the university of experience nobody is a graduate, everybody is a learner and experience is acquired by practising “. Here, ideas are shared, nurtured, crafted and given the energy to grow.


Our Core Values

 Solution
We pride ourselves with capability to provide effective and efficient business solution


Above all, results are what we strive for! We always work to meet or exceed your expectation and business objectives.


On-time, on-target and on-budget
Whenever we accept and commit to a project, we always finish it, as & per your brief and at your deadline.


We pride ourselves in being able to offer all the services you need to achieve your business development objectives. It is like starting at point one and taking it all the way.


We can always adapt to your needs, as the project evolves and as deadlines change.


Honesty & Dedication
We believe integrity, honesty and dedication should always be the best policy in business.


Natural Extension 
Our aim is to be a natural extension of your sales and marketing team; we enjoy being involved in the decision-making process and we love working closely with your team.

Code of Conduct & Ethics

Statement by Chief Executive Officer

My Fellow Associates,

These are Webs Managers Freelance Services Provider Code Conduct and Ethical Standards



WMFSP has a long and proud tradition of conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in full compliance with both the letter and spirit of all applicable laws. Business ethics are not different from personal ethics. The same high standard applies to both. As a WMFSP associate you are required to adhere to the highest ethical standard regardless of local custom.



This tradition is reflected in our core value that “Integrity is Everything.” The Code of Business Conduct & Ethics and the Policy embody that principle were developed at the direction of WMFSP’s Board of Directors to provide clear guidance to all WMFSP associates and to ensure a consistent approach to business practices throughout WMFSP’s expanding worldwide operations.



WMFSP’s commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards starts at the top and resides with every associate. WMFSP’s Board of Directors, and I personally, are fully committed to conducting WMFSP’s business with the highest level of integrity and we expect your strict adherence to the Code of Business Conduct & Ethics, the Policy and the law.



WMFSP and each of its associates, wherever they may be located, must conduct their affairs with uncompromising honesty and integrity and in full compliance with all laws and regulations. There is zero tolerance of non-compliance and/or retaliation. Any violations will result in swift progressive discipline, including possible termination of employment from WMFSP.



I’d like to use this opportunity to remind all leaders in WMFSP that they have the extra responsibility of setting a clear example by treating associates, clients, prospects, vendors and competitors with honesty and respect, and by always following our policies and the law.


Please read the policies carefully as they include a number of important provisions. They also provide you with information regarding when and how to report any violations. Your calls and written communications will always be dealt with confidentially and there will never be retaliation when a matter is brought forth in good faith.


Thank you for your commitment to comply unequivocally with the highest standards of integrity and business ethics.



Mutairu Ajibade
Chief Executive Officer


Our versatility is the edge we have over others. We can research and write original high quality content on a wide range of niches.


We can provide you with meticulously researched, systematically planned, no-fluff content that will help you grow your business.

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We will draw upon your ideas and specifications as well as our expertise in crafting the finest designs to your own satisfaction.


Creativity is our passion and our goal is to get the best design solutions you could ever imagine, give explanation and see amazing results.

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We actualized Responsive Web Design, which foresees user behaviour and innovation advancements, much sooner than Google required it.


Our point is to give proficient and corporate standard nature of work. That is the reason we follow all the standard procedure of web designing.

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We are delivering extraordinary and satisfactory SEO services for years with high level of trust and quality.


We’re recognized for the effective management of online presence and web development as our team helps to lower payment of operating cost.

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We have collaborated with various brands worldwide and have delivered more than 2000 marketing videos. We can create video ads for any product or service.


Our team is composed of highly skilled 2D animators with over 8 years of industry experience. A trial will convince you.

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We focus on the “thinking” rather than the “things,” learning all we can about your objectives, your business mission and your industry engagement.Then we work to develop the creative strategies that increase the visibility of your companies, brands and products while achieving real business objectives – in a world where perception often matters more than reality, we help manage every step of that process to deliver the results that leading companies and brands have trusted WebsManagers to provide in a couple of years.

WebsManagers Complete Service image


•WebsManagers is a Freelance Services Provider. Driven with Dedication. Fueled by Passion and Pride to provide Quality Solution backed with Exceptional Customer Service, Reliability and Foresight. Our versatility is the edge we have over others.


• We have the experience of a veteran and the passion of a newbie. As a full-freelance services provider, integrated business consultant, we’ve been successfully building world-class solution for many clients for several years.


• Although we are experienced professionals, we understand that learning and growing never ends because, “In the university of experience nobody is a graduate, everybody is a learner and experience is acquired by practising “. Here, ideas are shared, nurtured, crafted and given the energy to grow.


• What separates a ‘great’ designer from a ‘good’ designer? Their focus.

‘Good’ designers get caught in the trap of focusing on what they’re selling. They fool themselves into thinking that if they can describe the product or service in irresistible terms, the reader will want it.


‘Great’ designers go one step beyond. Instead of focusing on what’s being sold, they focus on the reader – or, more specifically – the reader’s heart. The reader’s heart is the door to their wallet. Open their heart and you’ll open their wallet.


Our Clients

Here are some of the clients we’ve worked for, contact us or request a custom quote if you would like to work with us!  Click Here to see More.. 

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